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36 entries.
Vic from Clinton wrote on January 22, 2019
Is there any way to get the sheet music?
Vic Brown from Clinton wrote on January 22, 2019
For over 45 years I have sung “I always called them mountains” to my wife. It is one of the most beautiful love songs ever written and so rarely recorded. Thanks for writing it.
Robbie Everett from Pound Ridge wrote on December 16, 2018
I was 18, it was freshman year and I was at Elmira College in Elmira, NY, a small undistinguiished liberal arts college in upstate New York. I was on the radio station and had access to records, a small advantage back then... but it gave me the chance to hear stuff no one else could. Tommy and Workingman's Dead prevailed. I was a bit of a fan of The Asylum Choir, loved Leon, whose first album had just come out and there was a Marc Benno record sitting there at the station. I fell in love with "Second Story Window" and simultaneously with a girl named Sharon Imade her come up to my room and listen to this great song on my shitty stereo. "... and you know who your friends are, by looking in their eyes..." I was so in love. At the end of the year I never saw her again. She was so beautiful and I was so in love. She sent me a postcard I still have. I'm happily married now and really since, and it all turned out well for me. Not for her. She didn't last long, committed suicide in about 1980 and, well, I think of her from time to time. You're in there, too. Glad you made it. I just listened to that song for maybe the first time in 40 years. It all comes back. The single most romantic thing: we were walking down the street and she asked if I'd like a piece of gum. Sure, I said, and she bit off half of hers and gave it to me. Hope things worked out well for you. Robbie
Admin Reply by: Webmaster
Quite a great story and an inspiration for songwriting.Thanks! Marc
Tony from Murcia, Spain wrote on October 18, 2018
Thank you, Marc for the Good Times...
Art deVitalis from West wrote on August 22, 2018
Greetings Do you guys have any info on Blair Smith., Dallas guitar master in the 1960s? Thanks
Marc Allan from Carmel, IN wrote on August 22, 2018
Hi, Marc - I sent you an email through your website. I hope you'll have a minute to answer my question. Thanks so much.
MartinSloms from Mount Carey wrote on April 12, 2018
Hellow my name is MartinSloms. Wery good-hearted article! Thx 🙂
Rebecca McMurry from Merced, CA wrote on September 30, 2017
Hi Marc, I finally know your name. You were always the "other" guy on the LA Woman Album to me. Listen to Jim and the boys daily and that includes you. Love "been down so long". Great tune and you are just darling in the video. Cute as you can be and talented too. What a catch!
Scott Dailey from New Braunfels, Texas wrote on June 1, 2017
Hi Marc! Saw you in San Marcos a couple years ago & in Gruene many times, many years ago. Hope to see you again locally soon! Your music is fantastic, keep on rocking man! We love ya!
Linda from Bainbridge Island wrote on March 25, 2017
Crazy great music, Marc. I can't believe this was missing from my world for so long. We listen to the blues show sat and sun nights here in seattle and I will be pressing the dj to play your records... I must have been hearing your music all these years without knowing it was you. The test of great music is that when you hear it you think you have always heard it.
Kenneth Janeway (BMI Songwriter) from Scottsdale, Arizona wrote on March 24, 2017
Dear Marc: Thank you so much for making albums with Leon Russell as the Asylum Choir in the late 1960's. I hope your career is going well and life is good for you. Have a wonderful day. Best, KJ
Guy Clifford from Hill Head UK wrote on March 13, 2017
Hi Marc. Been movin an a grooving to your music for four decades. Keep it up mate!
Terri Street from San Antonio wrote on February 18, 2017's Terri You played my wedding W G Prado.... And know me from Other "places" Please leave me Your private email so I may send you my phone number Take Care Friend
Bill Woodle from Alameda,Ca wrote on February 8, 2017
Hey, Marc I'm glad to see that you are still out playing. I've always liked your music a lot. I saw you with Pete Sears at Larry Blake's in Berkeley a long time ago and I would love to see and hear you again. All the best to you. Bill W.
Hubert from Coburg, Germany wrote on February 5, 2017
Hi Marc, I'm going through my vinyl collection and while I'm listening to the 'Lost in Austin' album the second time in a row I thought I'd look you up on the net and drop you a line. Still great music, still like it a lot. Thx and greets from Coburg Hubert
Webmaster wrote on December 24, 2016
Welcome to Marc's page, please leave a note, comment or greeting for him.