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36 entries.
Rick Schmidln from Bryan wrote on March 12, 2023
Hi Marc, We talked in the early 80 I produced The Doors long form videos in the and for many years thier archivist. I sill locy your music and Asylum Choir is a masterpiece. Rick Schmidlin, I now live in College Station and you google my name in Wikipedia.
Elza Camacho from Las Vegas wrote on December 11, 2022
Hey Marc, I met you at Leon Russels studio back in the late 60’s. I married Robert Washburn years later who was the Brother to Donna Washburn. Alway thought you were so very talented. Listening to yours and Leon’s album. Great memories!
Roger Kraemer from Brea, CA wrote on October 29, 2022
I’ve been listening to Asylum Choir II for over 50 years consistently. It sounds as fresh today as it did then. Brilliant stuff. Thank you!
Abbi Siler from Nags Head, NC wrote on August 26, 2022
A new fan here! My husband and I own a record & tea shop here in NC and a used copy of your Marc Benno self-titled album came through and I put it on. Now I'm keeping it and binging your other records.I love discovering artists who I should have been knowing about all along - that's the beauty of music! Thanks Marc!Abbi
Karen cCochetti Stonerock from Lawton wrote on May 17, 2022
Just wanted to let you know of the passing of Rick Castillo.
Steve Dryden from Fair Haven wrote on April 27, 2022
First concert I attended was Marc Benno..Roxy Music and Humble Pie in Detroit..great show..Stevie Ray was in the Nightcrawlers..
Chris Dragon from Toronto wrote on January 10, 2022
Wow…just when I thought I reached the end of the universe of classic rock music, I discover “minnows” . A perfect soundtrack to my morning walk through a deep forest in a snow storm. I now have some homework. Great melodies and an amazing studio recording. Thanks Marc!
Darian Houde from Pacific Grove, Calif. wrote on October 14, 2021
Love Marc Benni, I use to play Good Year back in the ‘70 on the radio when I was a radio DJ in Salinas, Calif. Just played that album this morning with my coffee.Glad to hear your still around. ZBe safe stay well. Darian Houde
bruce warnke from madison, wi. wrote on September 5, 2021
I was living with friends in northern California about 50 miles from the Bay area. I was 21. We would listen KSAN out of San Francisco on the stereo radio. In those days some FM stations would play album cuts all the time. And so they would play 'Baby I Love You' a lot. I loved that song and bought the album which is and probably will always be my all time favorite album. I have all of Marc's albums (except the new one) . He's my favorite artist. I'll be coming to Texas some time to see him play.
Thomas Marcus from Essen, Germany wrote on February 9, 2021
Very cold evening in Germany. Searching my record collection and stick once more to one of my favourites "Lost in Austin". Still enjoying it like in 1979. What a great record. Thanks Marc
AUSTIN MANUEL from LOS ANGELES wrote on January 8, 2021
I just discovered your song "Speak Your Mind." I love it. Thank you. It rules. Hope you're well.
Jason king from Dallas wrote on December 15, 2020
I've been a big fan of Marc's since wearing out my dad's Lost in Austin tape when I was about 8. I still listen to it on the regular. Snake Charmer too. Both timeless records. Last week I was watching JJ Cale's documentary on youtube, and Mr. Cale mentioned he sold you his Les Paul at some point. I thought that was very cool. I saw you at the guitar show in Dallas a few years back, playing to a very small crowd. I doubt the people that weren't watching you had any idea of the greatness they were missing out on. You're a sho nuff Texas treasure. Love you man and hope you are well.
Adam Figgins from Denver wrote on December 12, 2020
I Discovered your music this year. Been sharing it with friends. Stay safe moving into the new year, thanks for making this year a little easier.
Cynthia Dare from Smithfield KY wrote on August 23, 2020
Thanks for the blues and rocking out. Wish you and yours wellness and hopefulness. Saw Circle channel story and you did gr8! Gonna find "Survivor" and buy it for these most trying days. Take care. Cdare
Jim Aaron from Las Vegas wrote on April 30, 2020
My girlfriend at the time bought Ambush when it came. She's long gone and I am sitting here listening to it now Hall Street Jive. Yea. Thanks, Marc
Char Mcilwaine from Ocala wrote on March 27, 2020
You crossed my mind tonight, don't know why. Hope all is well. Let me know if you pass through Florida.
greg from basye wrote on January 1, 2020
just listening to old leon and remembered how great the 2 soul asylum albums were/are....thanks for making jr. high in the 70s a little bit better!
Dan Mattson from Portishead, England wrote on July 10, 2019
Love rock n roll me again. One of my favourite songs. Thank you for writing it. Touches me deeply every time I listen to it. regards, Dan
Otto Greenleaf from Chester, Pa. wrote on April 13, 2019
Dear Marc: Hello and hope you're doing fine. Last week on a local radio station I heard your song "Speak Your Mind". Beautiful song. Love that you played on "LA Woman" as well. Have a great day! Cheers, Otto
Steve from Houston wrote on January 29, 2019
My favorite all time album was Asylum Choir II. It never came off of my turntable.
Admin Reply by: Webmaster
Keep those records playing.Thanks! Marc